Chrysler Car Club of South Australia
In light of the rapidly changing circumstances surrounding the Coronavirus pandemic, and in line with the advice issued by the Australian Chief Medical Officer, the full Committee of the Chrysler Car Club of SA have reluctantly decided to postpone the 2020 Adelaide Chrysler Festival, until a date to be advised.
After 12 months in the planning and much hard work by the organising committee, this was a difficult decision, however, taking all things into consideration, we feel that this is the socially responsible action to be taking at this time. The government is asking people to review non-essential gatherings as a measure to protect the wider community and ensure the medical services are not overwhelmed in the coming weeks and months. We all need to do our bit to support that goal.
In coming to this conclusion, we have taken a lead from our major sponsor, the Port Adelaide-Enfield Council, who have cancelled all council events in their jurisdiction. Although we were free to make our own decision, we felt it prudent to follow their precedent. The situation is changing so quickly, that by the planned event time, we may be required to cancel anyway.
We know this will cause disappointment in the Chrysler community, particularly our Club members. Even though the risk of an infection is probably low, we unanimously agreed that we should act in the greater good. This is a unique situation we find ourselves in. There will be other car shows and a rescheduled Chrysler Festival, but this may be our one opportunity to play our part in preventing a significant escalation in cases of this virus.
There is often negative publicity directed towards the car enthusiast community. This is a chance to show that we are, in fact, responsible, community spirited people.
The Chrysler Car Club of SA