The Australian National Show and Shine, also known as the Euroa Show and Shine, is held annually on the first Sunday of October. Located in the pristine environment of the Seven Creeks Park in Euroa Victoria, this is much more than 'just another car and bike show.'
Rated as one of the top Show and Shine events in Victoria and described by Unique Cars Magazine as a 'Must see event' the show features unique and exceptional cars and bikes of all ages as well as trucks, tractors and motors, with over 70 trophies on offer.
This is a family-friendly event featuring live music throughout the venue, food stalls, craft market and children’s entertainment, all at an exceptionally affordable price, with kids under 16 free.
Come along and enjoy a great day with other motoring enthusiasts in a picnic atmosphere on the banks of the beautiful Seven Creeks in Euroa.
Unfortunately the proposed 2021 event was cancelled due to Corona Virus. The organisers are looking to run a Covid-safe event on Sunday 2 October 2022.
The Australian National Show and Shine, also known as the Euroa Show and Shine, is held annually on the first Sunday of October. Located in the pristine environment of the Seven Creeks Park in Euroa Victoria, this is much more than 'just another car and bike show.'
Rated as one of the top Show and Shine events in Victoria and described by Unique Cars Magazine as a 'Must see event' the show features unique and exceptional cars and bikes of all ages as well as trucks, tractors and motors, with over 70 trophies on offer.
This is a family-friendly event featuring live music throughout the venue, food stalls, craft market and children’s entertainment, all at an exceptionally affordable price, with kids under 16 free.
Come along and enjoy a great day with other motoring enthusiasts in a picnic atmosphere on the banks of the beautiful Seven Creeks in Euroa.
Unfortunately the proposed 2021 event was cancelled due to Corona Virus. The organisers are looking to run a Covid-safe event on Sunday 2 October 2022.
Seven Creeks Estate Road, Euroa Victoria, AustraliaYou are sure that you want to delete this event
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