AutoPro Canning Vale Open Night Show 'n Shine is finally here!!
You wanted more, so this year we are coming in hot
This year we want to take it another step forward over last year bringing you great cars, incredible demos and the best automotive atmosphere around!
Here's what to expect:
Both the front and rear of the shop opened up for an action-packed night.
Incredible variety of cars (Euros, JDM's, Classics, 4x4's, Custom Builds, Bikes and more!)
Music provided by demo cars
Prizes Promotional Giveaways
Delicious Food and Drink (Food Truck/s on site)
Supplier Demos by:
- Meguiars Australia
- Alpine WA
- Motul Oil
- Rhino Rack
Raffle to raise money for Cars for Hope.
Come down and park up with your Pride and joy. Everyone is welcome no matter what you drive, we want to see them all.
This is a family friendly event. Antisocial behaviour WILL NOT be tolerated.
We hope to see you all there!