Bikes and Coffee Cover Image

Bikes and Coffee

Starts: Saturday, 03 August 2024, 6:30 am Ends: Saturday, 03 August 2024, 9:00 am

Monthly Bikes and Coffee event hosted by Nippon Performance. Come down for an early morning ride, a coffee and a chat with fellow enthusiasts. Coorparoo Cars and Coffee is on at the same time, and a short walk from our shop, so there will be plenty of action around to kick off your weekend.

Great coffee and breakfast will be available from Epilo, which is 3 doors up from us.

Please arrive and depart in a safe manner so we can keep these events going.

90 Deshon Street, Woolloongabba QLD, Australia
Going people
Interested people



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Add to Calendar 2024-08-03 06:30 am 2024-08-03 09:00 am Bikes and Coffee

Monthly Bikes and Coffee event hosted by Nippon Performance. Come down for an early morning ride, a coffee and a chat with fellow enthusiasts. Coorparoo Cars and Coffee is on at the same time, and a short walk from our shop, so there will be plenty of action around to kick off your weekend.

Great coffee and breakfast will be available from Epilo, which is 3 doors up from us.

Please arrive and depart in a safe manner so we can keep these events going.

90 Deshon Street, Woolloongabba QLD, Australia
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