Lock in the date of the 15th of May again for this event which is for all car bike enthusiasts to come along and enjoy-
Cars and Coffee @ Link Drive Yatala. proudly bought to you by Brisbane Car Meets And Cruising Inc. and On The Run Cafè Yatala,and supported by GC Restoration and SKYREACH.
•ASRF TC number is- TC 179-02-2021•.
•this event is run by enthusiasts for enthusiasts, BCMC is a Non Profit community based car club•
*YES this a afternoon/night cars and coffee event with light towers being supplied by Skyreach, and the band MoJo Collective will be playing, it all finishes early enough for people to go for a cruise or have family time after it.
This event is for all makes and models cars bikes to attend, from Historic to Supercars to Classic to Muscle to Sports, so get them pride Joy's out and come along.
The presentation of trophies Lucky door prize will start at 7:30pm outside On The Run Cafè.
Categories are-
▪︎Best Pre 70's - GC Restoration
▪︎Best Pre 90's - GC Restoration
▪︎Best Modern - GC Restoration
▪︎Pick Of The Night - On The Run Cafe
*we will have different judges walking around looking over cars bikes and picking out the winners from 4:44pm - 7:20pm.
The earlier you arrive the more natural light Judges will have to see your pride joy
*Remember bonnet up of you want to be judged*.
Our two main sponsors for this event are-
•GC Restoration is a 5☆ Vehicle restoration and Paint Body specialist (based at 21 Demand Ave Arundel).
•On The Run Cafe at Yatala for the best 5☆ takeaway food around
We will be based next to On The Run Cafè and in the business complex carpark, but also lining Link Drive and some of the business driveways with lighting towers to light up the road as street lights just don't cut it.
On The Run Cafè will have a Car Related Menu + Annie's Coffee van will be there.
☆there will be Approved Car Loans present to talk to anyone that is interestedin a car loan/finance.
It's a great location with toilets (located at cafè and at the gelblaster place across road
With Incredible mouth watering food + Exceptional cars bikes + Awesome like minded enthusiasts + Family friendly = a great night to be had by all.
● If people can please download the official COVIDsafe app, and if anybody with a temperature or feels sick to stay home and not attend this event, we thank you for your co-operation in this.
● This is a free family friendly event for enthusiasts (but donations are exceped), We remind people to watch their speed at and near the event • Park up legally display, Not speed, revv up play.