Classic Muscle Cars  Coffee Cover Image

Classic Muscle Cars Coffee

Starts: Sunday, 10 March 2024, 8:30 am Ends: Sunday, 10 March 2024, 11:00 am

As of October the 8th 2023 we will be teaming up with killer Cars Melbourne and Northern Gal for a Monthly car meet (Every 2nd Sunday of the Month) Starting in October, the weather will be good and we run this event ALL YEAR AROUND

It’s at the Bonnie and Duke Café,

262 Lorimer St, Port Melbourne for all muscle and classic cars, It’s where we have our big HQ RUN in Lorimer Street Port Melbourne

Bonnie Duke café is going to open up for us on a Sunday, big café, heaps and heaps of parking.

There’s under cover parking too!

Just want a monthly meet where anyone can turn up, and see their mates, meet some new mates, have breakfast and check out some cool cars, it’s great for mental health too ?

Central location, it will be there every 2nd Sunday of the month, all year around, all classic and muscle cars event.

I’ve meet some amazing people and made some great friends since we started HQCCOV in 2014

*Classic muscle cars and coffee*

2nd Sunday of every month

We will set up a event for every month, good times, good people, good Cruzin ?

Proudly supported by:

*HQ Holden Cruise Club of Victoria

*Killer cars

*Northern Gal

*Sun seekers

*Lilydale and district car club of Victoria

*Oldayz Garage

*Vic Rotas

*Cruising Vics toughest Streeters

* HSV owners club of Victoria

*HQ Photography

*Olskool Photography

*Australian car events

*Ivans Photography

*Kustom Kraft

*Fusion Grraphic Arts

* Beyond Blue Mental health

This will be a meeting in a public place, you will be liable for yourself and your personal belongings, no silly behaviour in vehicles will be tolerated.

Vic police will be aware of the monthly events


Classic Muscle Cars Coffee

HQ Holden Cruise of Victoria

Killer Cars Melbourne

Northern Gal

262 Lorimer St, Port Melbourne VIC 3207, Australia
Going people
Interested people


Name: Tom Knowles
Phone #: 0416234030

More Information

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