CQLX Bitumen Khanacross (Qld) *CANCELLED* Cover Image

CQLX Bitumen Khanacross (Qld) *CANCELLED*

Starts: Sunday, 05 April 2020, 9:00 am Ends: Sunday, 05 April 2020, 12:00 pm

Unfortunately due to the current Covid19 we have been left with no choice but to cancel the bitumen khanacross that was to be held on the 5th April.

We will get through this and be able to have events again soon.

Please stay healthy and follow all the instructions we have been given.

Thanks Tony

Gracemere Saleyards, 16 Saleyards Rd, Gracemere Queensland 4702, Australia
Going people
Interested people


Name: Tony Stennett

More Information

Find out more about this event by clicking here
Add to Calendar 2020-04-05 09:00 am 2020-04-05 12:00 pm CQLX Bitumen Khanacross (Qld) *CANCELLED*

Unfortunately due to the current Covid19 we have been left with no choice but to cancel the bitumen khanacross that was to be held on the 5th April.

We will get through this and be able to have events again soon.

Please stay healthy and follow all the instructions we have been given.

Thanks Tony

Gracemere Saleyards, 16 Saleyards Rd, Gracemere Queensland 4702, Australia
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