Dalby Swap Meet - March 10 11 2023
Held at the Dalby Showgrounds with Entry via Wilkes Street.
Hosted by the Dalby and District Show Society
Sites $30 each approximately 6m frontage x 12m deep
Site fee includes entry for driver and one passenger and camping for the Friday night
Gates open to site holders 10am Friday 10th March and close at 7pm
Gates re open for site holders 5am Saturday 11th March with all site holders required to be in by 6am
Gates open to the public from 6am till 2pm Saturday 11th March
Public Entry $5 per head with children under 12 free
All stalls welcome
- car, truck, motorcycle, machinery and parts
- antiques, collectibles and bric-a-brac
- farm equipment and tools
- horse equipment
- plants and homewares
Please email dalbyswapmeet@gmail.com or phone 0421 256 525 or 0458 913 814 for further details.
Payment details will be emailed upon submission of booking form for direct deposit payments.