ESC Cars & Coffee - Koko Lime Cafe (Vic) Cover Image

ESC Cars & Coffee - Koko Lime Cafe (Vic)

Starts: Sunday, 21 March 2021, 8:00 am Ends: Sunday, 21 March 2021, 11:00 am

ESC Cars Coffee - we are heading to Koko Lime Cafe in Boronia. Renowned as one of the better cafes in the Eastern Suburbs and with plenty of parking for our cars.

We will be meeting at the Cafe, there is no cruise planned as this is a chance to cruise to the venue and have a social catch up! Numbers will be strictly limited to individual groups to adhere to government guidelines.

Temp checks will be compulsory and you will be required to submit your name and phone number for contact tracing requirements.

Koko Lime Cafe, Alchester Crescent, Boronia VIC, Australia
Going people
Interested people


Name: Eastside Cruisers All makes and models car club

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