We're going up the country for the Eudunda Show Shine, and yes it's an early start... but it's nothing that we can't handle... probably lol
It's gonna be a hoot folks... so why not head up there with us and enjoy the fresh air (mixed with exhaust fumes) and a little dance a roony! Can't wait!
General public - $5, U15 free
Entrant Cars from 8:00am
Admission - entrants $10
We're going up the country for the Eudunda Show Shine, and yes it's an early start... but it's nothing that we can't handle... probably lol
It's gonna be a hoot folks... so why not head up there with us and enjoy the fresh air (mixed with exhaust fumes) and a little dance a roony! Can't wait!
General public - $5, U15 free
Entrant Cars from 8:00am
Admission - entrants $10
Eudunda Oval, Eudunda SA, AustraliaYou are sure that you want to delete this event
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