MONTHLY BIKE NIGHT - Glenny Kebabs Cover Image


Starts: Thursday, 05 September 2024, 7:00 pm Ends: Thursday, 05 September 2024, 10:00 pm

BIKE NIGHT - Monthly even

(First Thursday of every Month)

Open to ALL

Any and all bikes people

Sports bikes, Cruisers and Builds

Melbourne Bikes Cars Social Club will be joining us and providing trophies for BEST bike

The Melbourne autoscene hangout spot running for SEVEN years!

We welcome EVERYONE to come down and enjoy the buzz of our MONTHLY bike event

We have worked very hard to ensure we can continue to host event nights, and we will be clamping down on anyone not behaving

As usual, we expect everyone to be on their BEST behaviour

- NO hoon activity will be acceptable

- NO excessive revving or anti-social behaviour

- NO standing on the road to encourage any idiots

You will be SHAMED if you act a fool and hwp are monitoring to ensure everyone's behaved.

We have some parking available on-site and plenty of off-street parking available

Do NOT park at KFL

(they will lock your vehicle in)

We expect it to get quite busy, so EXPECT SOME WAIT TIMES

Glenny Kebabs, Springvale Road, Forest Hill VIC, Australia
Going people
Interested people



More Information

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