Northern Gal : Cars & Coffee @ Ferrovia Cafe (Vic) Cover Image

Northern Gal : Cars & Coffee @ Ferrovia Cafe (Vic)

Starts: Sunday, 28 November 2021, 8:30 am Ends: Sunday, 28 November 2021, 11:00 am


Northern Gal :

Sunday Cars Coffee @Ferrovia Cafe

ON Last SUNDAY of every month


31st October 2021.

***Outdoor Casual Get Together ***

All seating is outside.

Indoor limited to 10.

Kicking off at 8:30 am.

Classic, Muscle , Rods, Euro cars Bikes invited !!

Sunday Morning Chill out.

Catch up with mates. Great start to the day. ... or awesome way to finish off your week

Fun Respect

Northern Gal.

* supporting local business

Please read below:


Have you been overseas in last 14 days? Y/N

Have you been in contact with anyone who has been overseas in last 14 days? Y/N

Are you required to be in isolation because you have been diagnosed with COVID -19 Coronavirus? Y/N

Have you been directed by DHHS to quarantine as a result of being in contact with someone who has

coronavirus -COVID-19? Y/N

If you have answered YES to any of the above questions, you are not to proceed to gathering/

venue please.

If NO, please answer following:

Are you experiencing any of these symptoms?

• Temperature above 37.5? Y/N

(Above 37.5 is considered a fever)

• Chills? Y/N

• Cough? Y/N

• Sore throat? Y/N

• Shortness of breath? Y/N

• Runny nose? Y/N

• Loss of sense of smell? Y/N

If you answer YES to any of above questions you should not enter gathering/venue.

If NO, you may proceed to enter gathering /venue

If you develop any of the above symptoms on the day of the cruise please do not attend

‼️Masks to be worn at all times (apart from when food/drink is consumed.

Just thought I’d put it out there

8 Railway Parade, Pascoe Vale VIC, Australia
Going people
Interested people


Name: Northern Gal

More Information

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