Wed 6th March - Bump in day
Thurs 7th March - Private Practice
Fri 8th March - Day 1 comp
Sat 9th March - Day 2 comp
Sun 10th March - Day 3 comp
Entries opening soon, stay tuned for more details.
**40th Anniversary of the Big Banger 1, 2 Bathurst win
**50th Anniversary of the L34 Torana
**50th Anniversary of the Goss/Bartlett Bathurst win
Wed 6th March - Bump in day
Thurs 7th March - Private Practice
Fri 8th March - Day 1 comp
Sat 9th March - Day 2 comp
Sun 10th March - Day 3 comp
Entries opening soon, stay tuned for more details.
**40th Anniversary of the Big Banger 1, 2 Bathurst win
**50th Anniversary of the L34 Torana
**50th Anniversary of the Goss/Bartlett Bathurst win
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