Quick Shift Vol. XI (SA) Cover Image

Quick Shift Vol. XI (SA)

Starts: Saturday, 10 September 2022, 6:00 pm Ends: Saturday, 10 September 2022, 7:30 pm

Welcome To Quick Shift Vol. XI

Hey crew, as people love the normal events, we will continue to switch up routes and locations. but let’s try make our community bigger before expanding the limites. (Location change.) (time change)

Location - Fulham Shopping Centre.

Time/date - Aug 13th Saturday, 6:00PM - 9:00PM

Cruise route will be sorted and posted on event night. Make sure to not miss out on what’s coming and keep updated on information on the page and post. We updated the community regally, be posted and prepared for changes.

Here goes nothing and let’s hit another high cruise for the 111th and not last event. Let the event take control, remember same rules apply and if not abided by, you will be removed, banned and not allowed at the events.

We take these rules seriously.

Rules include

- No Hooning at event locations (includes revving)

- No Harassment or bullying

- Covid 19 Sign in will be required 1.5 Metres if possible. (Mask Included)

- Absolutely do not touch what you don't own ( Unless permission is permitted by the owner)

- Respect the event area as you would respect your property.

- Be sure to be careful around the community (as people nearby might want to have a look)

- Events are not only for the car enthusiast, they are for the community.

- Lastly, have lots of fun.

As usual cruise warmup will start at 7:15PM. Cruise leaving time 7:30PM.

Those are the rules and now, let’s move on to the next Quick Shift Night !!!!

Fulham Gardens Shopping Centre, Tapleys Hill Road, Fulham Gardens SA, Australia
Going people
Interested people


Name: The Shift Society

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