Quick Shift Vol.XIV (SA) Cover Image

Quick Shift Vol.XIV (SA)

Starts: Saturday, 13 May 2023, 6:00 pm Ends: Saturday, 13 May 2023, 8:00 pm

Welcome to Vol.XIV, we have come a long way with the car events. Recently the car events have been slowed down and missed multiple months of amazing events.

There are many reason for this, a lot has been happening outside of the events with my person life. But here we go for another event.

They always make you feel the best you can.

Rules include

- No Hooning at event locations (includes revving)

- No Harassment or bullying

- Absolutely do not touch what you don't own ( Unless permission is permitted by the owner)

- Respect the event area as you would respect your property.

- Be sure to be careful around the community (as people nearby might want to have a look)

- Events are not only for the car enthusiast, they are for the community.

- Lastly, have lots of fun.

Remember, you don’t always get to attend an event like this.

Photographers will be needed. Contact through messages.

Also depending on desires with the team. DJ might be involved.

Thank you so much for the support for the club. Hope you all have an amazing night !!

Harbour Town Adelaide, Tapleys Hill Road, Adelaide Airport SA, Australia
Going people
Interested people


Name: The Shift Society

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