Vale Neil Joiner

Posted 7 months ago by Plymouth Dale Photos

Vale Neil Joiner

I was saddened to hear of the passing of Trafalgar Holden Museums main man, Neil Joiner. 

I have family that have volunteered at THM for years and had involvement with the setting up of the museum. 

Through this connection I met Neil and spent some time photographing and visiting the museum on many occasions. 

He was a wonderful man and very passionate about preserving the entire history of Holden from the beginning. 

The museum grew and with the demise of Holden in Australia, the Route 69 cruise was born celebrating 69 years of holden vehicle manufacturing. I attended a few of these where some of these pics are from. 

I also had the pleasure of photographing Neil when Frankie J Holden and Wilbur Wilde were at THM. Frankie loaned his FJ for display and it was a great opportunity to get some pics. 

I offer my condolences to Neil’s family and also his THM and Trafalgar “family” who I’m sure will be shocked and saddened by his passing. 

Plymouth Dale Photos. 

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