Kingpin Kuztums Xmas Toy Run, Lygon Street

Posted 4 years ago by Plymouth Dale Photos

It’s been a long wait, but finally....a car show in Melbourne!! 

And today’s Kingpin Kuztums Xmas Toy Run in Lygon Street was definitely worth the wait. 

Perfect weather helped with a huge turnout after months of lockdown and restrictions. It was so good to see crowds again. 

The outdoor aspect of this show meant everything was all COVIDSafe and the organization of Rob and the Kingpin Krew was second to none as usual with Kingpin events. 

I cruised in the Plymouth and arrived at about 7.15am but Lygon Street was already packed and I had to park in a side street with a number of other awesome cars. Looks like next time I’ll need to get up earlier to get a prime spot. 

Also great to catch up with old and new friends after so long. 

As the saying goes...”you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone”. This was especially true of Melbournes car show scene. 

Glad we are back in business. 

Looking forward to the next one!! 

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